Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Thoughts_Skin--Curtain Wall--Structure [Pasta]

In thinking of exploring the innovative use of steel, first I considered the conventional use and perception of steel as a rigid, straight, and pre-fabricated/standardized material. In order to redefine steel as a material-- to show its potential beyond typical use, I then thought of how to create forms in opposition to these notions.

Partially in response to the flow of circulation throughout the old steel mill, seen in the curved rail lines found in old drawings, I began to think of a fluid, curvilinear form that would act as a skin, curtain wall, or even structure of the museum.

Boiled pasta allowed us to experiment freely and revealed the potential of fluid shapes made from sheet steel, tubes, and beams. In these models I explored, overlapping, layering, rolling, folding, and bending the pasta. The images below show the progression of these studies.

IMG 1.1 Curtain Wall / Skin

IMG 1.2 Curtain Wall / Skin

IMG 2.1 Skin

IMG 3.1 Structure / Skin

IMG 3.2 Structure / Skin

IMG 3.3 Structure / Skin

IMG 3.4 Structure / Skin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.