Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Case Study_Footbridge, Amsterdam

the so-called 'python bridge' was designed and built as a part of the borneo/sporenburg development in amsterdam, master plan by west 8 architects. each home within this development is a 'patio house' where 30-50% of the space is left void to provide patios for introverted and personally expressive spaces within the tight urban fabric.

img_1.1 - python bridge

the footbridge is approx. 90 meters in length. it spans and active waterway, and its graceful curves allow for the passage of boats beneath. the steel truss, with t-shaped upper and lower cords and diagonal steel bracing is, and had been, a very common structural steel component. here, however, this basic form is morphed to create a more dynamic experience. in general, the bridge is very interesting because of how form, function, and experience are so closely tied.

for more photos of the bridge, click here.

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